Marc Brew

Marc Brew

Marc Brew er en anerkjent koreograf med funksjonsvariasjon. Han tok danseutdannelsen sin…

De Dansers, Yeli Beurskens og Youri Peters

De Dansers, Yeli Beurskens og Youri Peters

Yeli Beurskens completed her Bachelor of Dance in 2013 at ArtEZ Institute of…

Janina Rajakangas

Janina Rajakangas

Janina Rajakangas er koreograf, utøver og pedagog med base i Helsingfors. Hun ble…

Kirsty McDonald

Kirsty McDonald

Kirsty comes from Scotland and has performed worldwide throughout her career including…



Dancer, teacher, co-organizer of one of the biggest dance events in Ukraine…

Jakub Truszkowski

Jakub Truszkowski

Jakub Truszkowski started his dance training in 1987 at the State Ballet…

Ursula Robb

Ursula Robb

Ursula trained at the New Zealand School of Dance and worked with…

Çağrı Erdem – repetitør

Çağrı Erdem – repetitør

Çağrı Erdem (he/him) is a gonzo developer, interdisciplinary artist, and researcher specializing…

Timeplan høsten 2022

Timeplan høsten 2022

Høstens timeplan er lansert! Vi ser frem til en spennende og innholdsrik…