Marc Brew

Marc Brew er en anerkjent koreograf med funksjonsvariasjon. Han tok danseutdannelsen sin ved Victorian College of the Arts og Australian Ballet School, og har jobbet internasjonalt i over 24 år som regissør, koreograf, danser, pedagog og foredragsholder. Brew var meddirektør ved Scottish Dance Theater, med-kunstnerisk sjef for Ballet Cymru i Wales, assosiert kunstner ved Tramway Theater i Skottland i 2015, og kunstnerisk sjef for AXIS Dance Company i årene 2017-2021.

Marc Brew is an acclaimed choreographer with a focus on integrated dance. He studied dance at the Victorian College of the Arts and Australian Ballet School and has worked internationally for over 24 years as a director, choreographer, dancer, educator and lecturer. Brew was co-director of the Scottish Dance Theater, co-artistic director of the Ballet Cymru in Wales, affiliated artist with the Tramway Theater in Scotland in 2015 and artistic director of the AXIS Dance Company from 2017-2021. 

About the workshop
Marc teaches a release bases technique class and workshop.

From his unique perspective and skill of inclusive practice Marc uses very clear visual imagery, description and demonstrations in his teachings. He not only teaches dancers to dance and to enjoy the freedom of movement and expression but through his teaching methods enables the dancers to think for themselves and apply his teachings to the best that they can do. His ‘can do’ approach in his classes focuses on the continuance of energy and flow in and around the body, through looking at length, line, placement and adaptation.
Marc teaches inclusively in all his masterclasses and workshops, ensuring his class work is accessible to all. This is achieved through feeding of information during the class in the following ways when required:

Physical demonstration to show action, dynamics and placement.
Visually imagery to obtain the correct quality and physical sensation.
Audio description giving clear spacing, direction, pathways and timing.
Hands on demonstration to enable correct posture and alignment.

Photo: Maurice Ramirez