med Anneli Moe, Janne Eraker og Håkon Sigernes1 dag – 3 klasser – 3 pedagoger - 3,5 timers steppintensiv - samtale om steppdansscenen I samarbeid med Musikkteaterforum i Creo...
“The Prepared Body” The body is capable of so much more than what it can do. For example, the range of sound coming from the piano was more or less...
“The Prepared Body” The body is capable of so much more than what it can do. For example, the range of sound coming from the piano was more or less...
“The Prepared Body” The body is capable of so much more than what it can do. For example, the range of sound coming from the piano was more or less...
Etter klassen setter vi fram te og kaffe samt litt frukt og snaks! En hyggelig stund der vi kan henge rundt, tøye ut kanskje, skravle og mingle. Velkommen!
“The Prepared Body” The body is capable of so much more than what it can do. For example, the range of sound coming from the piano was more or less...