Laster Arrangementer

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Event Series Event Series: Samtidsdans


14. mai 2024 @ 10:30 - 12:00

with Oliver Sale

Class description:

“All we really have to offer each other is our own state of being.” – Ram Das (Maybe)

In these classes, we will approach movement as a way to shift one’s state of being, using mindful and intuitive tools to guide the body and mind into places of joyful expression and communal sharing. Each day will start with stillness, and grow as it needs to, moving primarily through guided improvisation, with the potential for set material, structured exercises, or freeform dance depending on the needs of the day.

I hope for my classes to be a safe and open space to meet yourself as you are, and warmly challenge yourself.

NOTICE: The musician/pianist Hikmat Baba-Zada will play for Oliver’s classes the 16th and 21st of May!

Photo: Eduardo Scaramuzza


14. mai 2024
10:30 - 12:00
Kategori for Arrangement:


Marstrandgata 8
Oslo, Norge
+ Google-kart
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