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Sustainable Dance Training / Vera Nevanlinna (FI)- Deborah Hay’s “Practice of performance”

6. oktober 2023 @ 09:00 - 10:30

Sustainable Dance Training er et samarbeid og utveksling mellom våre søsterorganisasjoner i de nordiske landene; Danscentrum Stockholm (SE), Dansehallerne (DK) og Tanssille ry (FI).
Vera Nevanlinna fra Finland er en av de fire unike kunstnerne som er plukket ut til denne nordiske undervisningsturnéen.

Class description:
In Vera Nevanlinna’s classes, we familiarize ourselves with American choreographer Deborah Hay’s “Practice of performance” and small choreographic structures. In the classes, you dance by listening to your own body through various questions. The questions prompt the dancer to find an alert and present way of creating both movement and choreography in relation to the whole environment – space, other dancers and the (imaginary) audience.

Nevanlinna is one of the very few, who are permitted to give workshops based on Deborah Hays practice. She’s been giving these workshops in Montclair State University New Jersey, University of California Berkeley, University of California Los Angeles, University of the Arts Helsinki, Henry Jurriens Foundation Amsterdam, Zodiak – Center for New Dance Helsinki, Tanssille ry Helsinki, Riveria Outokumpu, Tanssivintti Helsinki, Tanssila Helsinki, Kartoitus-festival Helsinki, Virgiinia Helsinki. 

Vera Nevanlinna has worked regularly with Deborah Hay since the year 2007 in five different productions: News (2007), If I Sing to You (2009), Lightening (2010), Figure a Sea (2015), Animals on the Beach (2018). Since 2015, Nevanlinna has also been a guest dancer at Cullberg in Deborah Hay’s choreography Figure a Sea. It has been touring widely in Europe, America and Middle East 2015-2021. 


Sustainable Dance Training er støttet av Nordisk Kulturfond.


Foto: Päivi Vanhatalo




6. oktober 2023
09:00 - 10:30
Kategori for Arrangement:


Marstrandgata 8
Oslo, Norge
+ Google-kart
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