Laster Arrangementer

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13. mai @ 10:30 - 12:00

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med Iannes Bruylant:

Class description:
The class will be a contemporary floor work class in which the focus will be on relaxation and release into the floor. I usually start with a short warm-up inspired by the release technique and somatics as it helps get rid of unnecessary tension, which is a thread through the class “How to waste less energy and use momentum and release to drive movement”. This is my goal even when the movement material gets more complex. Then I usually work on some isolated basic coordinations and floor technique through crossings. Later I work on longer phrasing integrating the elements from earlier and focusing on continuity. On of my main goals is an encouraging, positive and growth based atmosphere.
Foto: Neil Nisbet


13. mai
10:30 - 12:00
Kategori for Arrangement:


Marstrandgata 8
Oslo, Norge
+ Google-kart
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