Gjestepedagog Phil Hulford (UK) uke 22 (28.5-1.6.)

Bevegelseskunstner Phil Hulford gjester PRODA med daglige klasser i uke 22. Hulford har siden 2006 jobbet som danser og prøveassistent i Hofesh Shechter Company og har i en årrekke gitt profesjonelle danseklasser internasjonalt. Han bruker sin utdannelse og kompetanse i dans sammen med erfaring fra fysisk teater, skateboarding, klatring og turning i sitt arbeid.

Dette sier han om klassene : I generally like to stick to improvisation to start the class. We would focus a lot on the body, the breath, how we feel on that particular day and even emotionally. I believe that always feeds our movement because we are all different and each day we have different feelings so we must acknowledge them to be effective and have fun. My classes are often with a focus on movement quality and rhythm. Sometimes we will finish with some set movement to put what we practiced into motion but sometimes not, I like to go with the flow of the participants!
