Klassebeskrivelse: I klassene mine ønsker jeg å formidle teknikk, dynamikk og musikalitet, sammen med energi, glede og tilstedeværelse. Jeg har fokus på hvordan vi bruker og har kontakt med gulvet, frihet i bevegelse og det individuelle utrykket innenfor den klassiske rammen. Foto: Maiken Mathisen
med Julia Ehrstrand (SE) Description of class: Julia teaches a contemporary jazz class that utilities spinal articulations and release techniques, and to find an organic way of moving and at the same time challenge the dancers technique and to find maximum range of movement. The class starts with a set technical warm up with elements...
med Freddy Milanya Class description: As the name suggests, Afro-fusion is a fusion of African dances. It is not a distinct dance style but rather an open concept that allows for the freedom to blend movements rooted in both modern and traditional African dance forms. We will delve into the rich cultural tapestry of Africa,...
med Julia Ehrstrand (SE) Description of class: Julia teaches a contemporary jazz class that utilities spinal articulations and release techniques, and to find an organic way of moving and at the same time challenge the dancers technique and to find maximum range of movement. The class starts with a set technical warm up with elements...
med Julia Ehrstrand (SE) Description of class: Julia teaches a contemporary jazz class that utilities spinal articulations and release techniques, and to find an organic way of moving and at the same time challenge the dancers technique and to find maximum range of movement. The class starts with a set technical warm up with elements...
med Freddy Milanya Class description: As the name suggests, Afro-fusion is a fusion of African dances. It is not a distinct dance style but rather an open concept that allows for the freedom to blend movements rooted in both modern and traditional African dance forms. We will delve into the rich cultural tapestry of Africa,...
Klassebeskrivelse: I klassene mine ønsker jeg å formidle teknikk, dynamikk og musikalitet, sammen med energi, glede og tilstedeværelse. Jeg har fokus på hvordan vi bruker og har kontakt med gulvet, frihet i bevegelse og det individuelle utrykket innenfor den klassiske rammen. Foto: Maiken Mathisen