About the programming
PRODA shall arrange a broad and relevant professional course offer, according to the needs of professional dance artists. PRODA shall be a unifying arena that cultivates and supports the diversity of dance art, in accordance with the Strategic Plan for 2019 to 2024.
The board at PRODA distributes funding to regional departments and each of these is responsible for the programming and carrying out the professional offer in each region. For more information, see 'Regional branches' in the main menu.
The course offer must be in line with the users' wishes, feedback and attendance. A varied, high-quality program must be according to the needs and wishes of various user groups and different genres/subjects. Both continuity and renewal must be ensured.
The programming in Oslo
PRODA Oslo plans the program mainly one season at a time (autumn/spring). Course offers for the next season are set approx. 1-3 months before the start of the season.
We strive to engage course holders and a holistic subject program that reflects the diversity of society and the dance field.
Responsible of the program
Cecilie Lindeman Steen has overall responsibility for programming and is responsible for setting the final programme, as well as implementation and realization of the course offer. The programming is done in close dialogue with the dance field, the users of the offer and in collaboration with the programming committee. Cecilie can be contacted at resepsjon@proda.no
Programming committee
Fagutvalget består av tre styre/varamedlemmer og oppnevnes av styret. Funksjonstiden er 1 år av gangen. For perioden høst 2024-vår 2025 er Cassandra Moldenhauer, Sarjo Sankareh og Torhild Kolsrud i fagutvalget. Fagutvalget skal representere brukerne gjennom ulike fagområder, komme med forslag og innspill til fagprogrammet på PRODA. Du kan lese om styre/varamedlemmene i fagutvalget her.
The committee cannot themselves teach at PRODA Oslo during the period they sit on the committee.
Proposals for the course program
We want to hear from you, whether you are a user of the offer and have suggestions or feedback, or you are a current course instructor who wants to teach at PRODA.
Feel free to talk to us at Rom for dans, or send us an email resepsjon@proda.no (e-mail address to Cecilie). You can also fill in the form below on this page to make suggestions for the Oslo program.
In addition, there are notes on the notice board at Rom for dans for feedback on course participants and input. Feel free to fill it out and put it in our small mailbox hanging in reception.
For input to regions outside Oslo, please contact the regional department directly.
Instructors at PRODA
In accordance with PRODA's purpose and that the subject program should reflect the diversity of the field and the interests of the users, PRODA seeks to ensure both breadth and depth in the course program, as well as a balance between continuity and renewal.
The course instructors form a fundamental part of PRODA's professional resources and expertise. We are keen to be an attractive and good client, workplace and partner for artists, instructors and organizations in the dance field. However, PRODA's purpose puts the relevance of the professional offer and the users in focus, more than being a "permanent" workplace or client. PRODA also annually applies for funding. Employment or assignment at PRODA is therefore individual engagement over a limited period of time and temporarily, and in accordance with collective agreement with Norske Dansekunstnere.
We strive for a dialogue with artists and instructors who are interested in teaching at PRODA. A limited budget and access to studios result in stricter prioritization of instructors for the program than desired. The course program and instructors are anchored in the above and therefore no individual feedback given to course instructors who are not engaged at PRODA. If a complaint/reaction is received, PRODA's board will assess whether the inquiry from the instructor has been followed up satisfactorily.